Author: Ben

I’m Benjamin (“Ben”) Cohen and I’ve got a fairly extensive background. I’ve spent most of my life with and around computers. (I literally grew up crawling around computer room floors, since my mom was a Systems Engineer for IBM back when computers were larger than most modern appliances and slower than your phone from several years ago.)

Tales From The Pub – The Captain’s Visit

Captain Llewellyn Gavin Crayford — “Captain Crayford” to many, “Cap” or “Cap’n” to most of his crew, and “LG” to his friends — disembarked from his ship, Running Light, with a sigh. Most of his crew were already off the ship, glad to have some shore leave.

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Tales From The Pub – An Introduction


I was sure I had walked down this side street hundreds of times. How could I have never seen this pub before?

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The Worry Stone

My life fell apart when I was ten — and that night will stick with me forever. It was mid-summer and Mom and Dad wanted a weekend to themselves. I was spending it with my grandparents — Dad’s parents. We’d had a good time with a quiet day — just Grandma, Grandpa, and me.

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The Mission


I stopped at the entrance counter, looking around and noting the guards and security cameras — just as I expected and knew would be here. The guard behind the counter looked up from his desk. “Yes? Can I help you, sir?”

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The Landing


Chief Elder Rubinku tumKeren, waist-long red hair braided and looped around his neck, stood by himself in the council chamber, his arms behind his back.

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I know that’s overly cliched, but it was the absolute truth for both of us. I don’t recall, exactly, the very first time that I saw her. She was working at a local market as a cashier. The owner seemed to regularly rotate through pretty girls from the local school.

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Notes From A Friend

He sat there, staring at the page, stunned by what he saw, thinking, “But … he’s been my best friend since college. This … This can’t be right.”

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Nonna Torsdottir opened her eyes to the sound of the innkeeper loudly shoving plates and mugs around, seemingly with the sole purpose of waking her. There was a sliver of early sun shining through the just-opened door to the inn.

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Just Another Summer Day


It was going to be a typical late July day. Rather than spending the whole summer stuck in day camp, Mom and Dad had offered that I could stay most of it at my grandparents’ house.

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Strange Vacation


It had been a long day for Adrian Bridges. He considered, yet again, why he’d decided to take up auditing as a career. Sure, he enjoyed the few times when he’d found that one of the his clients’ employees was messing up with the record-keeping, but he had yet to have one where he could confront someone who was obviously embezzling from their company.

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