Commissioned Artwork

I am going to start using at least some commissioned artwork on my site. Since I wind up needing to (unfortunately) somewhat “butcher” some of the images to make them fit in the appropriate locations, I wanted to have a way to show the original works off in all their glory.

Images from Lucas Bunn

All of these artworks are from Lucas Bunn, ( He’s done great work on all of these and I’m so thrilled I was able to find him.

For the Pub Tale, “The Thief’s Tale“, showing off what the three characters are having and some representation of them:

For the Pub Tale, “The Adventurer’s Tale“, Fumeus’ snowy goggles and his drink:]

For the Pub Tale, “A Tale of Curses“, we have Lord Carven, sitting alone in an alcove at the Pub, contemplating his existence.

For the Kethyras stories, I also asked him to start doing some images for the characters. First off, we have Nonna!

Which is an awesome rendering of my favorite half-elf alcoholic barbarian!

… more as they happen, from him or anyone else …