Pausing Tewei

I don’t really want to, but … I have to.

Right now, the scope of what I want to write for the book is conflicting heavily with what I currently feel … capable … of writing. I know enough to understand just how much I don’t know and, consequently, how feeble any attempt I make at giving a thorough look of “Life on Tewei” would feel.

What’s worse, though, is that by trying to force myself to keep at it, even when I feel like I’m just slamming my head against a brick wall, all I’m doing is reinforcing failure and a failing mindset in myself.

And that’s just bad. It’s giving me a grim outlook and is continually chipping away at my desire to write the book and ability to do so.

Consequently, the best thing I can do is to set it aside for now. I will be continuing my research efforts towards being able to fill in the gaps and give this book the idea in my head deserves. But until I am able to do that, trying to continue when I don’t even know what to write about … just serves as a way of hurting myself.

Moving on to…?

A bunch of random thoughts (all, more or less, about writing) were bouncing around in my head overnight and some of them pulled together well enough to (finally?) give me a good handle on the (probably too long since the last one) next “Nowhere Pub Tale”, aka “Tales from the Nowhere Pub”, or “Pub Tales”.

So far, the Tales I’ve written were from the, more-or-less, “Good”™ side of characters. Or, at worst, just the Neutral side. I knew I wanted to give some “love” to the Bad™ characters as well, and, of course one of the predominant archetypes for that would be “non-copyright-infringing-Evil-Space-Emperor” (nciESE), right?

But just having nciESE walk into the Pub didn’t quite feel right. He’s definitely a Regular. I mean – there’s just no FREAKING way that the Pub wouldn’t have nciESE as a Regular. But … if he’s a Regular — how does he get to a door? Random door in his palace? Nah…

Without that, though, my plan for a story kept screeching to a halt.

Last night, I realized how the nciESE gets his door. And that story (or at least the first part of it) is going to pop up right after this – at least in its very first draft form. [I’ve not read it myself, yet, so expect there to still be a bunch of clean-up, etc., happening before it becomes an official Pub Tale, though.]

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