[Caution – This is a looooong post as I go into a bunch of details. So, you may want to come back here a few times to read more. You have been warned.] [Also, I started to write this on…
I have two sons. I generally don’t talk about them here because, well – this is my page / these are my posts and this should not be about them. However, I am becoming increasingly more and more convinced my…
[This is the last part of a series of posts which started here: My Love-Hate Feelings For MMOs – Part I. If you didn’t start there, you probably want to.] My Ultimate Realizations The title for this series was carefully…
[This is part of a series of posts which started here: My Love-Hate Feelings For MMOs – Part I. If you didn’t start there, you probably want to.] Battle for Azeroth As I said in the last post on this…
[This is part of a series of posts which started here: My Love-Hate Relationships For MMOs – Part I. If you didn’t start there, you probably want to.] Building a New Main With my new PC up and running and…
“What the heck does that title mean, anyway?” Word Association I expect most people are familiar with the concept of “word association“, not just the game, but the idea that we have a tendency to link things together in our…
[This is part of a series of posts which started there: My Love-Hate Feelings For MMOs – Part I. If you didn’t start there, you probably want to.] The Long Lull Having felt the need to turn tail and run…
[This is part of a series of posts which started here: My Love-Hate Feelings For MMOs – Part I. If you didn’t start there, you probably want to.] Next Stop – Spreadsheets In Spaaace! The reference here is definitely an…
[You probably should read My Love-Hate Feelings For MMOs – Part I first, if you haven’t already, just so you can get context on this one.] Jumping on the World of Warcraft Hype Train When we left off, dear reader,…
I very much have a love-hate relationship with MMOs, and I’ve had one for well … far, far, far too long. It seems, typically, to be based around winding up feeling incredibly bored and then trying to find something to…
Caitlin knocked at the front door of the house then caught herself and used the key to open the door. Even after a year of being back in the home she grew up in, some habits died slowly. The twenty-two…
I don’t normally write anything for a writing prompt, but I’ve been horribly unproductive and torn between simultaneously wanting to “create” something yet also having nothing banging around in my head that wanted to turn into words. So … in…