It’s Been A While…

Yeah, I know. I haven’t really added anything here because I’ve been in a serious lull / rut. As I’ve joked with a few people, after getting “Untimely Encounter in Kethyras” finished, my muse kinda checked out, saying “Welp, that’s…

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Spring 2023 Anime – What I’m Watching

It’s that time again! Actually, it’s already past that time, as pretty much all of the Spring 2023 anime series have already had three or four weeks to get episodes in. To look at it on the positive side, though,…

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Forgot to “Toe” the Line

Yeah, really bad title pun. Couldn’t come up with anything good off the top of my head. Long story short – I am decently sure (like, 98+%) that, last night, I managed to fracture a toe on my left foot….

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Untimely Encounter in Kethyras

Helene Fabry, full Quadrimage, recently past her twenty-first birthday, allowed a smile to touch the corner of her lips. The hood of her cloak was pushed back, as the early morning winds of Autumn blew from Kethyras Harbor through the…

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Doing a “Thing”

So, I’m currently in the process of (as the header advertised) doing a “thing”. Yeah, yeah. “What the hell is this ‘thing’ you are doing?” This one needs a little bit of backstory (as, it seems, do most of the…

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[As promised … the next of what I am now calling the “Kethyras” stories. Enjoy!] [Updated Apr. 12, 2023: Reworked to somewhat “de-power” Helene. First version, she was, realistically, just too OP. See Superman Conundrum for more detail.] [Minor update…

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Superman Conundrum

Whoops? … I have temporarily hidden the introduction story for Helene Fabry (the other main character in my Kethyras stories) because I realized — in the first pairing story — I had made a fatal flaw, as the author /…

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Kethyras Coming To Life

Since I’d first come up with the idea of having a “Gray Mouser” to Nonna‘s “Fafhrd”, and had decided her pairing character was to be a magic-user of some sort, I’ve had the scene where the two first meet absolutely…

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“What an odd title…” is something I’m sure you’re thinking when you see this one. “What tf is ‘Kethyras’?” Well, dear readers, let me share with you, the meaning of this one. But first, an image. “Oh… it’s a ……

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Continuing the Nonna Story

As I described as part of the original “Nonna” story, that was a written back-story for a new character I “rolled up” to play with a D&D group. After a few sessions, though, Things Happened™ (mostly real-life stuff intervening on…

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Fare Thee Well, My Fairlady (Z)

[If you are here looking for details about the Fairlady Z, it has been sold. This is the story of how and why I bought it and my closing thoughts.] Permit me, dear reader, to weave you a tale. It…

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Tales From The Pub – The Thief’s Tale

It was supposed to have been an easy job — sneak in to Bey Nakasoto’s mansion, grab a couple of jeweled necklaces from a cabinet in an unguarded room and then sneak out again, none the wiser. So Arturo Garcia…

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