In a comment on someone else’s blog, I (very) recently mentioned my physics professor from college. I say that in the singular form because it was a small college and the Physics department was tiny. Including the department head, I…
In a shadowy alcove in a darkened and dimly lit pub, a humanoid figure sits at a small table and holds his wineglass by the stem. He tips the empty glass first one way and then the other as he…
This is, somewhat, the continuation of My History With Anime as promised. As I’d mentioned, I started to read quite a few LNs (Light Novels). Some, I’ve started because I saw the anime and wanted to read the source material….
Where It Started I don’t exactly try to hide that I am a … somewhat avid? … consumer of certain types of Japanese fiction in various forms. This started decades ago with anime. And even that started first with the…
Yeah, I know I’m really late to the party for this one, and I haven’t exactly been doing much lately anyway. Unlike the few previous ones of these I’ve done, I’m just going to highlight a couple of shows that…
The Imperial Conference Room settled into a stunned silence as what had just been said sank into the thoughts of the Emperor, all of the highest-ranked military personnel, and other Imperial advisors. Vice-Admiral Kaydyn Rames began to sit down again,…
Upon taking over ruling his first planet, Planetary Governor Brarol Trogawa evacuated the lightly-populated town of Vivcan. Once the population was completely gone, he had the entire town, except for one small and very nondescript building, completely leveled and razed….
He pulled into the driveway and saw that the realtor was already there, leaning against the door of her car, waiting for him. She smiled and walked over to his car as he parked, grabbed his jacket and stepped out….
A while back, I had posted about how I was seriously hyped about purchasing and importing a Japanese Nissan 300ZX. The car arrived two weeks ago (just about literally). Two days after it arrived, much to my surprise, it made…
One of the beautiful things about Scrivener is that it has a bunch of built-in tools to make some of the “creative” elements of writing just a touch easier. For example, it has a “Name Generator”, complete with a set…
Come forth, mortal! Know that you stand before one of the great gods of your existence! Which god? I could tell you my name, but for your flimsy body much of it is unpronounceable. On top of which, were you…
I don’t really want to, but … I have to. Right now, the scope of what I want to write for the book is conflicting heavily with what I currently feel … capable … of writing. I know enough to…