Researching Tewei

I’ve hit a weird combination of an overall writer’s block and what I can only describe as a … research block. “What on earth is a ‘research block’?”, I can hear you questioning. [Ok, maybe you’re not questioning it, but…

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New Life on Tewei

Outside of one of the Birthing Huts, there is a small cluster of men keeping watch over another — younger than those waiting with him. That man, turned nineteen in the past year, stands apart, pacing back and forth in…

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“I’m a writer!!!”

A couple of months or so ago, I stumbled across this gem of a meme… I really felt this one,as I had so recently (when I read it) needed to research the amount of time typically associated with healing from…

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New Life on Tewei (fragment)

[These are just the first two scenes of the first chapter. There’s more to come…] Outside of one of the Birthing Huts, there is a small cluster of men standing watch over the youngest of them. That man stands apart,…

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Flight Qualification

After unpacking his meager belongings and taking a brief read-through of the overview packet Veevers had handed to him, Cowell decided to take a short walk around and attempt to familiarize himself with the station. Even with Spacer Poole’s explanation…

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Ass End of Nowhere

[This is actually the second chapter.] Space flight occurs with three separate types of “propulsion” systems. The term propulsion isn’t necessarily valid for all three, however. The first has been around since some scientist decided to shove a controlled explosion…

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Another Beginning?

[I’m amused as I realize I’m adding this post on October 31st … mere hours before November starts. Why is this amusing, you wonder? There’s this tiny thing … somewhat related to writing … which happens in November. Maybe you’ve…

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Anime Thoughts: The Saga of Tanya the Evil

I’ve been reading the light novels for “The Saga of Tanya the Evil” (just started Vol 4) … and there’s an … interesting little tidbit from the very beginning which seems to be very … ignored? … by a lot…

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Anime Thoughts: Fall 2022 Season (Initial)

Yes, it’s that time again. Rather than going through with what I’ve started / dropped, though, let me just talk about the stuff that I’m pretty sure I’m watching for this season. But First … a micro-Rant Before I jump…

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It’s Alive!!!

The “It” in this case being, finally, my Mac Mini. It’s been a couple of weeks since I last mentioned this (in Computer Restituo Interruptus … or not?). The reality of what happened after that post is that the computer…

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Anime Thoughts: Summer 2022 Season (Wrap-Up)

Ok. Summer 2022 anime season is (mostly) over. I say mostly because there were a couple of late-starters which are still running for another episode or two, but I think it’s safe to say I’ve finalized my opinions on the…

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Acupuncture and Spinal Cord Injury – for me

As those who are in my close social circle (well, maybe not so close – I’m generally fine with telling people) know, since mid-2015, I have a Spinal Cord Injury (SCI). It wasn’t due to an accident or anything like…

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