Category: Technology
Thoughts and commentary on various technology (probably computer stuff)
Note: This had been sitting, unfinished, for about a month while I was trying to find a good banner image to go with it (or, failing that, possibly get one made). Both activities failed, so – just enjoy the post?…
No, no – I haven’t physically moved (unless you count puttering around my house – and you shouldn’t). Rather, I’ve moved electronically. Virtually? More specifically, while this is still the same Nowhere Pub you’ve been visiting before, just like the…
[See at bottom for update.] From my previous post regarding technology ahead of its time, I now jump to a current frustration. Within the last few weeks, I decided I wanted to migrate my “gaming PC” upstairs to be close…
Most of this post, at least the background portion, harkens back to the early 1990s – to give you a reference timeframe. Several years after graduating college and a very brief interlude attempting to pursue a career in <REDACTED TO…
So, I’m currently in the process of (as the header advertised) doing a “thing”. Yeah, yeah. “What the hell is this ‘thing’ you are doing?” This one needs a little bit of backstory (as, it seems, do most of the…
The “It” in this case being, finally, my Mac Mini. It’s been a couple of weeks since I last mentioned this (in Computer Restituo Interruptus … or not?). The reality of what happened after that post is that the computer…
For those whose Latin is lacking (or non-existent), that is probably a rather butchered version of “Computer Restore Interrupted”. Let’s start with the Good News ™! Yesterday, I got my Mac Mini back and the SSD transplant was a success….
As I was ranting about yesterday, my desktop Mac Mini failed and the only assistance that Apple was willing to offer was a burial. Maybe there would’ve been flowers and a choir, but from their perspective, it was dead and…
As should be obvious from a quick read-through of my About Me, I am a computer guy, and have been so for just about my entire life. My very first computer, purchased as a present by my mother, was an…
There’s an old joke that has been told many different times and in different manners, but it ultimately winds up at the punchline of, “When you’re up to your ass in alligators, it’s hard to remember the original mission was…
I realize that’s an odd title, and it doesn’t apply to everything. It’s more for the technology stuff. Most programming environments (languages, libraries, etc) have an … expected … way to do something. It’s what the original developers of that…