Computer Restituo Interruptus … or not?

For those whose Latin is lacking (or non-existent), that is probably a rather butchered version of “Computer Restore Interrupted”. Let’s start with the Good News ™! Yesterday, I got my Mac Mini back and the SSD transplant was a success….

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Computer … Recoverable?

As I was ranting about yesterday, my desktop Mac Mini failed and the only assistance that Apple was willing to offer was a burial. Maybe there would’ve been flowers and a choir, but from their perspective, it was dead and…

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Computer Failure

As should be obvious from a quick read-through of my About Me, I am a computer guy, and have been so for just about my entire life. My very first computer, purchased as a present by my mother, was an…

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What Happens Next?

I’ve hit a bit of a lull, as is probably apparent for anyone who might (casually?) be following what’s happening here. I’ve gotten past the initial massive effort of writing Rough Times in Osaka and have gotten it to “First…

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You’re Buying a What???

Back in 1992, I bought a new car. It was one of the outright weirdest looking cars at the time, and possibly even in most of recent memory. It was the Nissan NX2000. Mine was white, not red. And, as…

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What Was The Main Task Again?

There’s an old joke that has been told many different times and in different manners, but it ultimately winds up at the punchline of, “When you’re up to your ass in alligators, it’s hard to remember the original mission was…

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Book Cover Idea

Cover Art Idea

Every book needs a cover. Otherwise, it’s just a bunch of pages with words bunched together. [Yeah, yeah, I’m sure there’s some definition of “book” that doesn’t include any details about a cover, but … work with me here, ok?]…

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Anime Thoughts: Summer 2022 Season (Initial)

I am a fan of anime. No, seriously, I’m a big fan. So, for the past few seasons, on a discord server with some friends, I’ve been posting my thoughts on what I’m watching (and / or started and dropped) for each season. Note – I subscribe to the streaming service CrunchyRoll (still not shilling!), but nothing else. This means that, much as I might like to, I can’t comment on anything streaming on any of the other services – because I’m not watching them.

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Anime Thoughts: “So I’m a Spider, So What?”

So I'm a Spider, So What?

In a discord channel with some other folks I know, I did a big “info dump” (a.k.a. “wall-of-text”) on a Light Novel / Anime series titled (as you could guess from this post), “So I’m a Spider, So What?“. (The…

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I Never Pick the Easy Answer

I realize that’s an odd title, and it doesn’t apply to everything. It’s more for the technology stuff. Most programming environments (languages, libraries, etc) have an … expected … way to do something. It’s what the original developers of that…

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“Rules” For Pub Tales


I had asked some friends if they’d be interested in crafting Pub Tales to add to the collection.

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Tales From The Pub – The Warriors’ Tales


Glimsumm had been sitting at the bar for about five drinks. The pub wasn’t empty, but for his purposes, it might as well have been. He cared nothing for any of the other customers.

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